Community Judge Resources

Thank you so much for your willingness to volunteer as a judge at our national tournament! We couldn't put on an event of this size without your service. If you have any questions prior to the tournament, please contact us at [email protected]

Registration Information

Please click on the "JUDGE REGISTRATION" tab at the top of the page and follow the prompts. Let us know who to thank for inviting you when asked on the third page of registration!

Orientation Information

When you arrive at the Judge Orientation one hour before the beginning of your round, you will be given a good overview of the event you will be judging. Some of you might like a little bit of prep even before then. These links will take you to the Stoa orientation slides that will be covered in greater detail during your orientation at Cal State San Marcos

Speech Events Orientation Slides
Lincoln Douglas Value Orientation Slides
Team Policy Orientation Slides
Parliamentary Debate Orientation Slides

Special Parking Section for Community Judges!

The parking lot we are using at Cal State San Marcos is Parking Lot C. It's easy to find - when you enter the campus on Craven Circle, the entrance will be well marked and on your right. Once in the parking lot, follow the directional signs to the community judge section. If you park in any other lot on the campus, you will get a parking citation because you won't have a CSUSM parking permit. Lot C is the place to be!

Check Out "Campus Map Tab" For Getting Around Campus!

There are many directional signs on the campus to get you where you need to go. After parking, follow all the signs to "NITOC Central" to find judge registration and the orientation room. You won't get lost!