Broadcasting isn't just a wild card at NITOC 2014. Beginning today, we'll be broadcasting break announcements. Go to this link, which is to check it out. All live stream announcements and videos of past ones, starting with Friday's at 8:00 AM, will be posted there.
- Home
- Debate Cumulatives
- Postings
- NEW! Live Stream (+ Videos)
- Community Judge Resources & Details
- Schedule
- Welcome Video - NEW!
- Family Tournament Check-In
- IE Patterns
- Broadcasting!
- Storytelling!
- Mars Hill!
- Extempers!
- Breakout Event - Impromptu
- Wednesday Announcements-and Social-NEW!
- Awards Ceremony
- Script Submission
- Dining Options
- Campus Map
- Directions to Cal State San Marcos
- NITOC Vendor Partners
- NITOC 2013 Stories! - NEW!
- NITOC Apparel
- NITOC Accommodations
- Competitors By Event
- Judging Requirements by Club/Family